Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Still week of 4/25- 4/27 Sciecne blood flow!

Science of blood flow

Latuors piece on Science is blood flow made completely perfect since to me. I seem to be getting a better understanding of the readings of them not being as difficult as they normally would. Latour discuss Norwegians trying to keep the heavy water out of the Germana's hands. This piece discusses how things hang together and how science is truly blood flow. Allowing things to flow together as we try to figure out on piece of the puzzle.

This article discusses neutrons and science at the heart of the controversy of this paper. But what I really took into what Latour metaphors as to why science is blood flow. He gives numerous examples throughout this paper as to why it is. On page 93 he compares science to neutrons and he explains how neutrons can be found as a concrete definition in the encyclopedia. However he goes on to say that this can not be found for science because science can be out dated and the out dated information can be discernible. So in other words, not editable. because of this he wants us (The readers) to think of science as the neurons and the neuron to liberate x neurons. made up of an ensemble of different situations, people, and peoples judgement... namely as the modifier. This paragraph really stuck out to me.

I'm not sure if I'm doing a great Job at explaining this but let try again to the best of my ability as to why this paragraph is so important. 1) latour is almost making reference to Jane Bernette's Non- human theory; stating that science is not structured but constructed by the humans opinions and beliefs. Almost framing. which was in week 1's reading. This paragraphs says that science can not be defined in a encyclopedia....Because it simply cannot. the neurons he discusses just gives us a simple example (concrete) as to why we should hold on to our beliefs in science. he explains later on through out the paper that all these things just fall together working as blood flow to become one. as I tried to state earlier. the Neutron liberates x Neutron...closing out a single neutron, that does not hold to a truth....he says (P 93) a Very different part made up of an assemble of situations, people and judgements. It clearly lets you know that science is always changing. Which is what he's trying to get across here.

Latour goes on to discuss in later pages (P105) the public representations of science. i loved How he started this off. He says that even if every group were trained and disciplined to think of science with a wide support...then there would still need to be a great deal of work done. Because they would still be as lost and clueless as the world is today. So it really wouldn't make any difference as to whether or not the social groups were taught to believe a certain way. because all that pre-conceived ideas they have would still be carried over. It almost like trying to prevent stereotypes... which is almost impossible to do here right. He Goes on to explain that the reason science is categorized or stereotype is because of the "Science warriors." They tell us what science is. but with the wrong metaphors. There just trying to defend science, but perhaps in the wrong way.

Latours ends his argument by allowing us to make our own decision on what we believe. But before that he tells the readers that we need to dumb things down in order to really play in the science of blood flows definition. Because social context has made the modern world so closed minded it's almost impossible for anyone to understand the enclueated invents of thesis blood flow. He explains to us that we need to be parallel with the human and non human artifacts of science. Meaning that with our ideas today and of last weeks the need to stand parallel, not one on a different spectrum. so as the work is done, the process and the actually study of science and things in science. Should be parallel. In order to change the views on society's understanding that's the only way it's going to bring forth change. however this is not an easy process and may take years because so many ideas in society is working against this because this way of thinking in science is hanging in the air up steam, and has not been brought downstream.

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