Thursday, May 20, 2010

Readings week 4/25- 4/27

So I have a confession to make. I have been really far behind in my writings. I up until today did not have the confidence to write my responses to this class. I have been keeping up with my reading though none the less, I've also had several family issues that I have addressed to Flowers attention. So I do want to take this time an apologize to any classmates that I have let down. I know in order to even sometime fulfill blog post we do need feed backs from other students so in lack to comply I do apologize.

With that said let me start with talking about the readings from weeks ago Jane Bennett and Latours science is blood flow.

To start with Jane Bennett she talks about the human and non human references of thing when making claims. This reading to me was a hard read it wasn't simple you had to definitely keep your Patience through out the reading. She address that we have human exceptionalism and the feedback loops in non human operative systems. What i got from this part of the article is that non human materializes consist of Humans not putting a hierarchy on things. This reading was a little confusing to me as I mentioned earlier.

Some of the things I got out of it was the human and non human assemblage's. That humans are mostly look at in science and there work But i think what she is stating here is that its not just the work of humans that should be looked at. It more of the claim of the process of things that tends to flow together. Jane Bennett also stats latuor in her readings as a source which brings me to a point from one of the past readings which is circulating references, That is what she is doing here.
She talks about how the earth is broken and should be seen as a blackout. The whole thing was pretty much losing sight to me. As i read further the more confused I became.

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